Just for the record: This is going to be a LONG post....so I hope you are ready for some crazy-awesome God stories!!!! :) PTL!!!!!
The Story: (I'm about to be really real here, so please be loving and understanding)
So God has been working on my heart for a while about doing something big. Something huge. Something scary. Something so exhilarating that I can hardly stand it!!!! God called me to stay long term in my beloved South Africa way back when in October, Halloween to be exact. Well I told Him then I would go as long as He wanted, and I thought that meant going this summer, leading my team, and then sending them back to the states and staying in Africa for the school year. So I have been mentally preparing myself that everything I do with my extended family and friends I don't see often, may be last time I get to spend with them for awhile. God moved in some mighty ways and opened some serious doors for me to stay long term, and at the beginning of April, I was confident that I was going to for sure, no doubts that this was what I was supposed to be doing. I was keeping it "under the radar" because I was afraid of rumors that may have circulated, and I was missing a few components, but I was trusting the Lord's provision of my needs. I was willing to give up my job, I sold my car, and I moved back home, all for the purpose and glory of my God's work with the orphans of South Africa.
Well, sadly, two weeks ago, after several attempts to set up phone appointments with organizations to support me on a long term basis, all failed to happen, I realized that God was closing the door for now. While this brought me a great deal of heartbreak, I trust that God has a great plan, much greater than any plan that I can put together on my own. I trust that I need to focus my energies on my team this summer, and that when I return I will begin my campaign for a long term missionary opportunity. Thank you to all of you who have helped me talk through and pray through my options and loving me in my joyful moments and my moments full of tears.
PRAISES:::::::::: :)
My cousin Alissa, has raised ALL OF HER SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I HAVE RAISED ALL OF MY SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My sister, Rachel, is super close to raising all of her support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
** I praise my God for His abundant love and grace and for the INCREDIBLE support that has poured out from our family, our church family, and from my co-workers. It is so overwhelming to soak it all in. God has provided for us when we have come to Him on our knees lost for words and not sure where the funding would come from. He has blessed us so much. I want to thank you for being obedient and helping us to fulfill our heart's desires to love His children.
** We are getting REALLY CRAZY EXCITED AS OUR TIME APPROACHES!!!!!! We leave in 46 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I can hardly contain my excitement, and I know that the other girls feel the same!!!!!!!
** Please pray for Nicole. As a new Christian, and even as an old Christian, it is hard to put that huge amount of trust that God will provide financially for you. As of Monday, Nicole was still in dire need of some huge financial support. But our God is so good and has placed some incredible people in my life and Alissa's lives that are willing to be a "sender"!!! She is not fully supported yet, but in a few days she went from being thousands of dollars away, to just a few hundreds of dollars away!!! What a mighty God we serve!!!
** Final details are coming together. We needed to buy plane tickets this week, but it didn't happen, so Spreadtruth is going to buy them Monday. Pray that the purchase goes smoothly, and that we can find a really good deal on tickets so we can use the money to bless the babies, rather than "waste" it on airline fees.
** We are trying to piece together details like rides to the airport, transportation while there, internet access to keep our families and "followers" informed on God's workings while we are there, along with several other things. Pray for clarity and trust, as I know that all of these are minor details.
** Luggage: We are planning on collecting things to take with us to bless the babes. We don't have a set list of supplies yet, as I am waiting to hear back from Agape on what they may specifically need, but as soon as we know what they need we are going to work hard to try and bring it with us. This will add money to our trip though, because we have to pay for checked luggage, but I trust that God will make it happen. After all, last year our team of 6 took 19 bags, and God moved in the heart of the lady at the luggage counter so that we didn't have to pay FOR A SINGLE BAG!!!!!!!!
Once again, thank you for your support. And I'm not talking just financial. The prayers that are being sent upwards for us are most definitley being felt and heard by a God that loves and nutures us.
Please comment. It is sooooooo encouraging to "hear" your words, even though we are still here in the states.
"Our God is greater, our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other
Our God is Healer, awesome in power
Our God, Our God…
Into the darkness you shine
Out of the ashes we Rise
There’s no One like You
None like You.........
And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us
And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?
And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us
And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?
What can stand against?"
"Our God" by Chris Tomlin
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Musical Updates....
So the last few weeks have been full of joys, stresses, and lots of tears, but God is good and has placed so many "lady friends" in my life that have guided me with godly advice and lots and lots of love...thank you to all that have stepped up to the plate!!! :) You are loved!!! Your love and support means the world to me!!
We have had several people already support us financially, and a couple of us have raised enough to buy plane tickets, but not all of us yet. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!
Please pray that we can raise the rest of our support quickly, or at least enough to get the tickets. Once we have the tickets we will have set dates! :)
If you are still wanting to support us on a financial level, we would love and greatly appreciate your support!!
Most importantly, we covet your prayers. Satan is on the move, attacking each of us individually, in different ways. We are all so excited about what is to come, but satan works in so many ways to take us down at our knees.
* Final details are being set. Nicole and Rachel will be staying for 3 weeks and Alissa and I will be staying for the entire summer. Please pray for easy communication for me, as the leader of this trip, with not only our base here in the states, but also our base, Agape, in South Africa.
* Decisions yet to be made.
* The financial and prayer support that we have already received
* God has blessed us with LOTS of excitement to fulfill His calling to go love on His children in South Africa
* God has blessed me with some sweet music to bring peace to my heart and a song to sing. If you are looking for some "legit" music to listen to that will change your world check some of these artists out: Meredith Andrews, Britt Nicole, Francesca Battistelli, and Kari Jobe.
Read James 1:27........
We have had several people already support us financially, and a couple of us have raised enough to buy plane tickets, but not all of us yet. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!
Please pray that we can raise the rest of our support quickly, or at least enough to get the tickets. Once we have the tickets we will have set dates! :)
If you are still wanting to support us on a financial level, we would love and greatly appreciate your support!!
Most importantly, we covet your prayers. Satan is on the move, attacking each of us individually, in different ways. We are all so excited about what is to come, but satan works in so many ways to take us down at our knees.
* Final details are being set. Nicole and Rachel will be staying for 3 weeks and Alissa and I will be staying for the entire summer. Please pray for easy communication for me, as the leader of this trip, with not only our base here in the states, but also our base, Agape, in South Africa.
* Decisions yet to be made.
* The financial and prayer support that we have already received
* God has blessed us with LOTS of excitement to fulfill His calling to go love on His children in South Africa
* God has blessed me with some sweet music to bring peace to my heart and a song to sing. If you are looking for some "legit" music to listen to that will change your world check some of these artists out: Meredith Andrews, Britt Nicole, Francesca Battistelli, and Kari Jobe.
Read James 1:27........
Saturday, April 2, 2011
God is Moving!!!!
Hey Bloggers!!!! Check out this blog written by my cousin, Alissa, who is going to Africa with me this summer! http://lightofmine-arh.blogspot.com/ :) Our family is catching the "African Fever!!!"
God is moving in some mighty ways!!!! I plan on having a longer post soon, but here are a few ways you can be praying for our team!!
* We are in the crunch time to raise our funding so that we can purchase the plane tickets to secure our dates. Pray for trust beyond measure, that even though the numbers are huge, that we will not be afraid.
* That all of the details for this trip will fall into place quickly and smoothly. Pray for the organizational heads of Spreadtruth and Agape, as I work with them and that all of our communications will be fruitful.
* Some major decisions are coming my way, specifically. Please pray that God would give me clarity, as I really need to make these decisions over this weekend.
Here is my support letter, for those of you who have not received a paper copy. If you wish to contribute to our trip to love on the best babies ever--- here is how you can get connected!!!! :) Thanks for all the love and prayers!!!! You are the best group of warriors we could ask for!!!
"Dear Friends and Family ,
God is doing some amazing things in and through my life! He has provided me with a unique and wonderful opportunity to go to South Africa to share His goodness with the “least of these”! I will
be leading a small group of four young women to Grabouw, South Africa, the same township I served
in last summer. We will be working with an organization called “Agape Family Ministries”, for most of
the summer, although a few can only stay for 3 weeks. “Agape” is an organization that was started by a
couple who realized how wrongly children with disabilities are treated in South Africa, especially in the
slums. They opened a group home to show love and compassion for these precious children, and since
have opened five preschools throughout the township as well. They have graciously invited us to come
and “love” on children who are abandoned, unwanted, and unloved. God’s hand is orchestrating
bringing us all together, with the same desire to love children, as Christ loves them. “Africa Fever” is
catching quickly in our family and we are so excited not only to be a part of God’s plan for these
children, but to experience this life change together. For more detailed information about our plans and
about Agape, please check out my blog http://mihartman14.blogspot.com.
We will be leaving in early June and returning in early August, but I need your help. We need
prayers to guide us, to direct us, to open the ears of those that will hear the message of love through
Jesus, to protect us, to break us for what breaks His heart, to love those that are cast aside by society
like they are the princes and princesses they are in The King’s eyes, and to allow God to use us in
whatever ways He desires. Will you join and be my prayer warrior? Please write it on the blog or tell me
so I will know who is in our army. I thank you in advance for the prayers that will be lifted for our team.
Will you not also consider supporting me financially? Unfortunately, nothing is free, even if it is all for Jesus. I will need to raise $4,500 for transportation, food, and lodging by April 11, 2011. I am asking that you will allow God to use you in this trip to help my “babies”. Help me to help them. If you are feeling lead to help me, please send the money to Spread Truth Ministries (see information below). Thank you for being a blessing to those that cannot help themselves.
I can’t wait to see how God is going to use us!
Breaking my heart for what breaks His,
Megan Hartman
Make your check payable to Spread Truth Ministries;
On the memo line of your check please put: Member ID# 2974
Your gift is tax deductible
********Please mail your check by April 20, 2011*********
Please mail your tax‐deductible contribution to:
Spread Truth Ministries, Attention: South Africa Trip, P.O. Box 3171, Bloomington, IL 61702‐3171
Donations can also be received by credit card by calling (309) 452‐3213"
South Africa here we come baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God is moving in some mighty ways!!!! I plan on having a longer post soon, but here are a few ways you can be praying for our team!!
* We are in the crunch time to raise our funding so that we can purchase the plane tickets to secure our dates. Pray for trust beyond measure, that even though the numbers are huge, that we will not be afraid.
* That all of the details for this trip will fall into place quickly and smoothly. Pray for the organizational heads of Spreadtruth and Agape, as I work with them and that all of our communications will be fruitful.
* Some major decisions are coming my way, specifically. Please pray that God would give me clarity, as I really need to make these decisions over this weekend.
Here is my support letter, for those of you who have not received a paper copy. If you wish to contribute to our trip to love on the best babies ever--- here is how you can get connected!!!! :) Thanks for all the love and prayers!!!! You are the best group of warriors we could ask for!!!
"Dear Friends and Family ,
God is doing some amazing things in and through my life! He has provided me with a unique and wonderful opportunity to go to South Africa to share His goodness with the “least of these”! I will
be leading a small group of four young women to Grabouw, South Africa, the same township I served
in last summer. We will be working with an organization called “Agape Family Ministries”, for most of
the summer, although a few can only stay for 3 weeks. “Agape” is an organization that was started by a
couple who realized how wrongly children with disabilities are treated in South Africa, especially in the
slums. They opened a group home to show love and compassion for these precious children, and since
have opened five preschools throughout the township as well. They have graciously invited us to come
and “love” on children who are abandoned, unwanted, and unloved. God’s hand is orchestrating
bringing us all together, with the same desire to love children, as Christ loves them. “Africa Fever” is
catching quickly in our family and we are so excited not only to be a part of God’s plan for these
children, but to experience this life change together. For more detailed information about our plans and
about Agape, please check out my blog http://mihartman14.blogspot.com.
We will be leaving in early June and returning in early August, but I need your help. We need
prayers to guide us, to direct us, to open the ears of those that will hear the message of love through
Jesus, to protect us, to break us for what breaks His heart, to love those that are cast aside by society
like they are the princes and princesses they are in The King’s eyes, and to allow God to use us in
whatever ways He desires. Will you join and be my prayer warrior? Please write it on the blog or tell me
so I will know who is in our army. I thank you in advance for the prayers that will be lifted for our team.
Will you not also consider supporting me financially? Unfortunately, nothing is free, even if it is all for Jesus. I will need to raise $4,500 for transportation, food, and lodging by April 11, 2011. I am asking that you will allow God to use you in this trip to help my “babies”. Help me to help them. If you are feeling lead to help me, please send the money to Spread Truth Ministries (see information below). Thank you for being a blessing to those that cannot help themselves.
I can’t wait to see how God is going to use us!
Breaking my heart for what breaks His,
Megan Hartman
Make your check payable to Spread Truth Ministries;
On the memo line of your check please put: Member ID# 2974
Your gift is tax deductible
********Please mail your check by April 20, 2011*********
Please mail your tax‐deductible contribution to:
Spread Truth Ministries, Attention: South Africa Trip, P.O. Box 3171, Bloomington, IL 61702‐3171
Donations can also be received by credit card by calling (309) 452‐3213"
South Africa here we come baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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