34 days.....I leave in 34 DAYS!!!!!!! Because of God's provision through my AMAZING supporters and prayer warriors I've bought my plane ticket for August 28th!!!!!! A couple of months ago I was thinking that I was crazy to think that I would actually raise enough of my financial need to purchase my tickets by my goal date: the end of August.
Honestly, when I counted out that relatively small number of days, I had some mixed emotions. While of course I am PUMPED OUT OF MY MIND, it also reminded me that I really need to cherish the short amount of time I have with my family and friends.
God has made it easy for my family to spend time together this week as we went to Branson, Missouri to enjoy what may be our last family vacation for a while. We've enjoyed swimming, hiking, shows, and reminiscing about past family vacations. Making new memories, while recalling old ones, has been very bittersweet. I'm so blessed to have the family that I do. God placed my in a family.
I've realized that I'm leaving this love I'm surrounded by here, to show this love to the children in Africa that may not know this type of love. Love that is unconditional. I'm so honored that God called me to do this. I get to love children unconditionally, like Christ loves me. Best of all, when they ask me why, I get to tell them about Jesus. How amazing!!!
- The support from local churches has been amazing! I'm blessed to live in communities that are mission minded and want to support local missionaries!
-Plane tickets are bought!!!!!
- I've raised 90% of my funding!!! I've been blessed beyond measure!!!
-That I can raise the final financial support before my departure.
- That despite a CRAZY schedule, that I can find time to relax and spend time preparing my self for this huge spiritual journey.
-That I can find great joy in the time I have to spend with my family and friends, that will carry me through periods when I long to be with them.
- As I speak at churches and benefits, God will stir people to partner with me in prayers and financial support.
-That God will begin to work in the hearts of those that I will encounter in my travels and the children and adults I will be working with.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
My Love Story
In February I was invited to speak at the Ladies Retreat that my church helps host every year about my love for orphans. Several people have asked me to post my love story with South Africa, and with my "daughter" Catie Belle. While you are reading this pretend like you can see me sobbing while reading this story to my audience, and you will feel like you were there! ;)
I hope this helps you to understand why I say I've left my heart in South Africa....
I hope this helps you to understand why I say I've left my heart in South Africa....
"When Linda asked me to speak about love, I questioned why- I've never even had a boyfriend! She then told me she wanted me to share about my love for orphans- now that is something I could talk about!
I've been in love since the 7th grade. I've loved Africa since then and I can't explain why. I've been fascinated with their culture and the people themselves. I SO desperately wanted to go experience life in Africa.
I was finally able to go to South Africa my sophmore year of college, and my world was turned upside down. I fell in love with the children I met, but especially the orphans. As I returned to the States weeping, I knew this love for Africa was no coincidence. God had given me a passion for Africa so that I could go and find my true calling to love orphans.
A couple of summers later, I returned to South Africa and while touring the township we were volunteering in, we drove past another organization. I began to ask questions about what they did, and soon enough it was arranged that some of the team I was with would go check it out.
What you might not know about me is that here in the States I'm a special education teacher. So the next day when I was led into the special needs classroom, I knew God's hand was at work. Not only do they help provide an education for these children, but a home for many as well, because most children born with obvious disabilities at birth are left at the hospital to die.
The minute I walked into the room I laid my eyes on the prettiest little girl I've ever seen. I can't explain it. I was drawn to her. I asked the teachers about her. Her name was Catherine and she lived at the group home that Agape ran and also attended their school. I was also warned that she waas usually very shy with strangers so I shouldn't expect her to let me get close. After giving her some time, soon enough she as letting me help her and hold her. It felt perfect. Leaving her that day was extremely difficult, but I begged God to give me the change to be with her again.
One year later God enabled me to lead my youngest sister Rachel, my cousin Alissa, and friend Nicole, back to South Africa, but particularly back to Agape. While I had been visiting Agape the previous summer the director Ami had come to "check in". I told her about my passion and love for orphans, especially those with special needs. She invited me to come back to work with them, and this time I brought family and friends with to experience life change. So for six weeks this past summer I did what drives me. What makes my heart pound: loving on orphans, showing them that they are special and important to not only me, but to Our Father.
When I first arrived at Agape I searched for Catherine. When our eyes met, she remembered me and I fell in love with my baby girl all over again!!!
Spending everyday with her was priceless. Loving on her and the other kids who so desperately need love, completes me. In the last three weeks ther eI finally felt at peace, like I was doing what I was made to do. Being a "mommy" to my beloved Catie Belle when she has none and using my talents and education to help those who cannot help themselves, has completely and drastically changed me.
With God's continued guidance and love I'm planning on returning to "my babies" on a long term basis- hopefully this fall. My heart aches for my children. Even though they aren't biologically or lawfully mine (well not yet anyway), I have this overwhelming love for them. I can't explain it really. I've been told when I talk about Africa and my "babies" I glow. I guess that's because being there with those kids is what makes my heart sing.
What's your passion? What makes your heart sing? What or who do you love?
James 1:27 says "Pure and lasting religion in the sight of Our Father means that we must care for the orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us."
Be Aware. Let your heart be open to the orphans. I'm not saying that you have to move to Africa or bring one home from China. We have orphans here too. Be conscious of what you can do: Pray. Get involved. Ask God to use you in a mighty way.
I love orphans. I love Grabouw, South Africa. I love Agape Family Ministries. I love my darling Catie Belle. Most importantly though I love and adore my God who brought everything together so perfectly and creatively.
Go love."
Thank you to my mom, Gwen, and Mary Ann for coming to support me while I poured my heart and tears, out to mostly complete strangers. It was hard, and is still hard now, to be so vulnerable with my feelings, but the God I serve is AMAZING!!!! Because what you may not know is that after I spoke a complete stranger came up to me and suggested I check out CTEN, which was the confirmation I was looking for because I wasn't sure if they were a legit sending organization!!!
Obedience can sometimes be hard or scary, but is SOOOOO rewarding!!!!
Everything is bigger in Texas...
In the middle of June, my mom and I embarked on an adventure to Kerrville, Texas for my Commission To Every Nation (CTEN) Orientation. The roads were big and the number of miles we put on the car were big too, but more importantly the hearts of the people I met there were big. No, they were HUGE!!!
I loved meeting all of the staff of CTEN, but especially my pastoral care staff, Jack and Carol, pictured below. Throughout the orientation, mom and I were blown away with the OVERWHELMING feeling of confirmation that CTEN was the perfect organization to work with in my ministry in South Africa. His fingerprints were ALL over everything!!! It still gives me chills!!! CTEN's ministry motto is "Helping Ordinary People Partner with God to Accomplish the Extraordinary" and that is EXACTLY what I needed!!! :)
Throughout the training we learned about how to deal with taxes and the financial side to missions, how to be safe while in the field, how to communicate effectively with our supporters, among other things. I learned so much and my heart was moved!!! They reminded us that we need to live by the "Father first" principle: God is first because it is all about Him. So humbling!! I loved that they were honest with us that after the "honeymoon" period is over that there will be times when we want to just cry, and that is ok.
"God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called." I'm not sure who said this, but this statement is so true!!! I trust that He will give me everything I need. The comfort. The financial support. EVERYTHING because He loves His children.
An unexpected blessing were the relationships with the other missionaries that I met throughout the training!!! Hearing their stories and about their ministries was encouraging. Being with a group of people that were about to enter the mission field or that had already been in the field for a while was so encouraging because they can relate to my feelings on the same level. This blessing truly was not something I had planned on!! I love when God surprises me!!!
In the middle of June, my mom and I embarked on an adventure to Kerrville, Texas for my Commission To Every Nation (CTEN) Orientation. The roads were big and the number of miles we put on the car were big too, but more importantly the hearts of the people I met there were big. No, they were HUGE!!!
I loved meeting all of the staff of CTEN, but especially my pastoral care staff, Jack and Carol, pictured below. Throughout the orientation, mom and I were blown away with the OVERWHELMING feeling of confirmation that CTEN was the perfect organization to work with in my ministry in South Africa. His fingerprints were ALL over everything!!! It still gives me chills!!! CTEN's ministry motto is "Helping Ordinary People Partner with God to Accomplish the Extraordinary" and that is EXACTLY what I needed!!! :)
Throughout the training we learned about how to deal with taxes and the financial side to missions, how to be safe while in the field, how to communicate effectively with our supporters, among other things. I learned so much and my heart was moved!!! They reminded us that we need to live by the "Father first" principle: God is first because it is all about Him. So humbling!! I loved that they were honest with us that after the "honeymoon" period is over that there will be times when we want to just cry, and that is ok.
"God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called." I'm not sure who said this, but this statement is so true!!! I trust that He will give me everything I need. The comfort. The financial support. EVERYTHING because He loves His children.
An unexpected blessing were the relationships with the other missionaries that I met throughout the training!!! Hearing their stories and about their ministries was encouraging. Being with a group of people that were about to enter the mission field or that had already been in the field for a while was so encouraging because they can relate to my feelings on the same level. This blessing truly was not something I had planned on!! I love when God surprises me!!!
Another unexpected blessing was getting to sit at the "feet of Jesus"!!! Kerrville has this huge cross, 77 feet tall, that stands on top of one of the hills overlooking the town. Mom and I went up and learned about who built and why but the best part was just resting at the foot of the cross and soaking up time with my Jesus!!! Peace overflowed while I was there!!! I wish I could have spent more time there!!
As of last Friday I have raised 79% of my monthly support if everyone that has verbally committed to giving does so!!! PTL!!! What a blessing!!! Everyone has been amazed at how quick I have been able to raise my support and the only explaination is that I am surrounded by the best, most supportive family, friends, and co-workers that SEE and SHARE my passion for my babies in South Africa!!!! :)
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!
Because of your generousity, I will hopefully be able to purchase plane tickets this week and begin the process for my VISA paper work!!! I will need to continue to try to raise 100% of my support, but I am feeling like one blessed girl!!!!
*Pray for me as I've had to begin saying bittersweet goodbyes to family and friends.
*That I will be able to raise 100% of my support before I leave.
*Open hearts of the children that I will be working with.
* Smooth transition to the culture, especially while learning the language. Pray that God will provide me with a local person who will be able to take me on as a "student".
*Pray that in this "busy season" I will remember to take time to just sit and rest in Christ.
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