Well, it’s been a while since I’ve posted, and if you’ve seen me around, you can put two and two together that I didn’t make it back to South Africa in February. Then when I pushed it back to April, thinking that all of my paperwork would be through for my Work permit to return this past week, well God had other plans. After many, many delays in the paperwork and the police department losing my paperwork, again another deadline set has come and gone. After much prayer and seeking of wise counsel from my sending agency and close friends and family, I’ve pushed back my plane ticket until mid-August, trusting that by then all of my paperwork will be in my hands by then.
It has been a challenge to be on this roller-coaster of ups and downs, going and staying, but I’m trying hard to just remind myself of the blessing of extra, unexpected time with family and friends, and that I get to walk side by side with my baby sister as we prepare for her wedding at the end of the summer. And overall, that God is sovereign, and even if I don’t understand why, He has me here for a reason.
That being said, I’m still staying busy with admin work and helping with the curriculum for the school, and helping with what I can from afar, but as a way to earn money so when I go back full-time, I will be looking for a job for the summer.
I’ve tried hard to stay in touch with my kids and ministries as much as I can so here are some updates from the other side:
His Ark:
There have been several outbreaks of violence in our township (slum/village) involving gangs, but we are so thankful that has calmed down and so life is back to usual for most of our kids. Kids club kids were so excited to have the programs start back up, with kids club, the sports clubs & bible study groups on a little holiday break. Here are some pictures of what they’ve been up to!
The Girls club started up again and they enjoyed a special trip to McDonald’s to start off the year to talk about what they did over their break and to talk about what they want to learn this year.
Here are the girls, working hard to write down what they would like for God to teach them this year. Most of the girls in this group are new to our group and our Xhosa speaking girls.
Here are a few of the pictures of what has been happening with our YLC (Young Lads Club or boys bible club). Jolin was able to take a group of 20 of our boys away for a few days to grow with each other and most importantly to grow in their relationship with Christ. Thank you to those of you who gave sponsorship money so our boys could get out of their typically violent and troubled daily living situations to a safe and peaceful retreat! They had a blast!
Prayer requests: * Please continue to pray for the safety of our kids and our staff
*Please also pray for additional volunteer help for our programs
*One of our teenage student’s father is very ill and in the hospital. Please pray for her as she has to live alone and visit him in the hospital daily and still keep up on her schoolwork.
Things at Bizweni have also been busy as they’ve started a new school year, meaning some of our students have moved on to other schools and some new students have entered Class 3. Some bittersweet moments, and I’m sure when I get back it will be quite an adjustment for me to not see a few of my older kids. They were able to go on another sports day a few weekends ago, but I don’t have any pictures of that at the moment.
A loves getting outside and working on his upper arm strength and was very proud to be doing it all by himself!
L is such a clever girl! So proud of how much she has grown and all they tell me about how she is progressing and thankful we have the standing frame she’s in to help her physically too!
On one of the cooking days, they made their very own sandwiches, some of them for the very first time. Proud of the concentration you can see in some of their faces. They really enjoyed getting to eat their hard work!
Like last year, our students got to go on a field trip to the grocery store to practice money skills, but also to identify veggies, fruits, and other common and important items in a store. Most of us take this chore lightly, but this is a struggle for our children as they grown, but we’re thankful for the opportunity to help them learn in a fun and safe way!
Prayer requests: * Please pray for all the staff, but especially in the classroom I’m working with. They are feeling drained with all the extra work and not always enough hands.
*Please also pray for the safety of all our staff & students as they travel in and out of the townships everyday for school.
*Please continue to pray for my paperwork, that everything will go smoothly so that I have all my documents before my flight.
* Please pray as I continue to seek monthly supporters, so that I am fully-funded when I return.
*Please pray as I look for employment, that I will be able to find the right fit that allows me to still have time to work on the things I need to for my paperwork, Bizweni & His Ark.
If you or someone you know is interested in supporting me or wants to know more about what I do, I’d be glad to get together with you and tell you more about it.
If you’re interested in financially, you can simply send a check to CTEN (Commission To Every Nation, PO Box 291307, Kerrville, Texas, 78029-1307), just be sure to leave the memo line blank and put a sticky note with my name so they know whose account to put it in. Or you can give online to CTEN (click on CTEN and it will take you directly to my page).
I’m so blessed by all your continued support through all the valleys and hills I’ve crossed on this journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.