Happy New Year everyone! First, I apologize for not posting for such a long time, but I have been so SWAMPED with school and all of my activities I haven't had much time to blog :(
So here's a good list of the changes that are happening in my life right now, and maybe even a good reason behind it....but not always! ;)
I'm FOR SURE going BACK to AFRICA this summer. All summer. Ohhhh I wish I could meet with all of my faithful followers and prayer warriors and tell them how God made it so clear to me in 3 ways, and maybe I can, but until then here's a little nibble of HIS INSANELY WONDERFUL LOVE AND PLAN!! :)
~~ On the weekend of Halloween, I went on singles retreat with FUEL, and they were talking about making commitments to God. I made a promise to God when I graduated from ISU that if after two years of teaching that if I wasn't "tied down"- aka married-, that I would go to Africa for longer than 3 weeks.
When I arrived at the retreat I was so consumed by satan's attacks on my heart, and it seemed no matter how much asking my Father to remove the darkness and pain I had felt about being single, I had not been able to find relief. On the second night, after they called us to make a commitment, I realized that I had been "under the radar" trying to dodge my commitment to go back for a longer term. The moment that I totally surrendered to God and said "I will go", I literally felt the weight lifted from my heart, and I was able to feel joy. Real pure joy. It was one of the most powerful experiences I've had.
During the weekend, during a financial meeting, the speaker looked DIRECTLY at ME and said "You can't be a missionary in Africa with car debt". In that moment, I realized I needed to move home and get rid of my nice car so that I can put as much money towards getting rid of my debt so I can be with my "babies" in Africa. It was CRAZY!!
A few weeks later, a friend randomly showed up on my door, and said, "I was just praying for you and God told me to come ask you why you aren't in Africa right now?" UGH! - We had an incredible conversation and that night I totally surrendered the fears and doubts that I have and gave them all up to God.
So- in the new year, I have moved back in with my parents- which has it's ups and downs, but it has had serious benefits. My grandma has moved in with us for awhile and so being here with her and helping out with her has been a total blessing.
People ask how long I'm going. Honestly, I don't know. My heart says "GO for a year", but my mind says "You have debt, so you can't just take off for a year!". All I know is that I'm going to obey, because I don't want to lose the peace I still have from October and I don't want to miss out on an opportunity to be with my babies again.
I miss them everyday. I think about them all the time. I don't think a day has gone by that I haven't thought about them.
I'm in the process of getting details worked out. There are 3 other young girls that want to go with me, but we are trying to work out details. I will be working with a new organization, Agape, the preschools that have classes for kids with special needs.....duh...right up my alley!!! :)
Prayer Requests:
* That every woman that is supposed to go on this journey will be put to peac about whole situation and will have the faith to trust
*Pray that as I'm playing a different role, ,kinda like the leader of the team, that I can really get the ball movie to get everything ready for thing thing.
I have SOOOOO much more to share, but I'm so tired!! I will try to post more so please support us with your prayers!!
Breaking my heart for what breaks His~ Megan
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