Things have been pretty crazy these past couple of weeks:
*Last week we took some of the kids from the special needs school horseback riding on a farm that invites children with special needs to come riding. If you know me well, you know I love riding as well, so it was an extra special treat to go with the kids and watch them have a BLAST!!! As the weather gets warmer here and the rain slows down a bit they will start going every Monday! 

Ntabiseng (Ntabi) and Catie loved riding! Some of the children can ride alone, some need someone to walk alongside them, and some need some need someone to ride with them. It was such a beautiful experience!
*Annet, a volunteer from Holland and I spent a lot of time fixing up the house I thought I was going to be moving into as a house mom. FLEXIBILITY. I found out now that I will be moving into a different house, on a different campus. I probably won’t be moved in until the end of the first week of October, with only two children to start off with.
I wish I could say that I had swallowed these changes better. I’ve been frustrated and confused. I have moments when I’ve just cried, “God I’m just ready to be a mommy! What’s with the delays?” I keep coming back to the reminder that HIS plan is so much better, and bigger than mine, so I am trying to patiently wait. I will worship while I’m waiting.
I’ve found so much comfort from 2 Corinthians 1: 3-7- GO READ IT!!!!. It amazes me that things written by Paul so many years ago, can still be SO APPLICABLE today in my life! I’ve written these verses down and put them on the back of my door, so that every time I come or go, they are there to remind me of the comfort I have in Christ! PTL!!
*I’ve also enjoyed some light tourism with my friends, Tessa, Faizel, and Annet. We toured Cape Point. God’s creation just astounds me!!!! I love capturing the waves crashing against the rocks. It reminds me of how sometimes something that seems so painful- like running into a “rock” or stop along our path, can turn into something beautiful, like the mist of the waves. “You will bring beauty from my pain.”- Superchick
I’m also blessed that even though I’m living in a slum, I don’t have to go far to be surrounded by beautiful scenery. It’s crazy to think about the vast differences where I stay and where I travel.

Annet, Faizel, Tessa and I at the top of Cape Point.

Love listening and watching these waves!
I was also able to go to Robben Island- FINALLY! It was so interesting to hear the stories of the political prisoners that spent many years there, especially during Apartheid. I’ve always loved learning about Nelson Mandela, so seeing where he spent so much of his time in prison really was moving. One of our tour guides was actually a former political prisoner. Hearing his stories made everything so much more real!

This was the cell that President Nelson Mandela spent so much time in during his time on Robben Island.
*This past week I’ve been quite sick- even spending a couple of days in bed. If you know me, that is SOOO not like me. I’ve been struggling with it- I know I need to rest to get better, but I hate not really doing much to help out!! I’m so thankful that my nurse Cindy helped me pack up meds from home that I’ve been able to use! I wasn’t thinking I would need to use them so quickly though! Thankfully this week at school it was pretty relaxed because the kids are going on break for a week this coming week, so they weren’t missing me too much.
*This coming week a new adventure begins for me: Camp. When the kids have time off of school and the weather is nice, the Agape families go camping- you heard it right, tents and all!!! So as I’m trying to quickly get better before we leave Monday morning, I’ve also been trying to prepare games to play with the kids. I’m hoping to teach them Poop Deck and Flour Dodgeball, among others. (Anyone remember playing those games with me??) I’ve been told there are some nice walking trails that we will take the kids hiking on as well. They have also talked about swimming, but I think it is a little too cold for me to be getting into any water just yet! There are 26 kids with us…so it will be quite the adventure!
* Safety as we are travelling for Camp this coming week.
* Quick healing for me.
* Patience and understanding in the delays of becoming a house mom.
* Safety for all drivers, as there have been LOTS of accidents lately, especially on the mountain pass that we have to go through frequently to get to town for cheaper supplies and therapy with the children. Many people believe that during this time of year, when there are some Black Magic holidays happening, strange things begin to happen. Satan is at work to destroy, but I’m so glad to serve my God who loves and restores.
*Transportation for my new little family. I’m going to post a blog specifically about our need.
*I was able to talk with my mom on the phone for just a few minutes on Wednesday, but no matter how old you are or what continent you are on, when you are sick you just want to talk to your mom! What a blessing it was! PTL!!
* In my first month of being here, I’ve been able to become close friends with Annet and Tessa, two of the volunteers here. Annet has now left, which makes me sad, but I’m so thankful for the friendship that God gave me in her and for all of the spiritual conversations we had. She isn’t a believer, but asked lots of questions- and I loved trying to answer them. I think a seed has been planted in her heart. I’m going to continue to pray that God will continue to show Himself to her, and that she will be safe as she is travelling around SA. She will be back for one day in early November before she flies back to Holland. We will all be anxious to see her again!