My how so much has already changed in my life, but I guess that happens when you move to another continent! Here’s the thing: You should know that I HATE change, so coming here has been a huge challenge that EVERYTHING has changed for me. I’ve been adjusting a little better, but I am still missing family and friends. Now that I am busy with school, the home, and other activities, I don’t have time to sit around and miss home- I feel like I’m always on the go! God has blessed me by bringing Tessa and Annette alongside me as friends during this transition, to keep me busy and to help me adjust by answering questions.
Tessa and Annette
On Friday I enjoyed some time at the Kid’s Club that they host every Friday at the Agape church. It was a very cold and rainy day, so it was a small turn out- only 25 children. Usually they have between 70-100 kids, ranging in age from 6 to 16. Here is a picture of our small group playing a relay game. I enjoyed my time with the kids- even though I had a hard time communicating with them!
*Prayer Point- Pray that my tongue and brain will QUICKLY pick up Afrikaans!
Kid’s Club Relay Game!
I’ve enjoyed spending time with all of the children, but especially Catie Belle. At first, she was shy and didn’t want anything to do with me- as I predicted would happen. Yesterday she finally broke down her walls and we spent lots of time playing together during recess at school. Today, Tessa, Faizel, Annette and I took Catie and Kaylinn (another girl from Asiphe`) to the mall for a little shopping, a walk along the beach, and a nice dinner out. They loved the extra special attention!
Faizel, Catie, Kaylinn, and Tessa trying on some summer hats!
Catie and I enjoying dinner at the “Spur” along the beach!
I’ve seen all of the children that we met last year and I’m amazed at how much some of them have grown, and how some of them seem to not have changed at all!! Ernie has grown SOOO much since last year!!! I could hardly believe it was him!!!
*Prayer point: God is at work in strange ways. I’ve felt confused since I got here- like I wasn’t sure why it is that I am here. He is moving and working. I have some decisions that I need to make regarding where I will be spending my time within Agape, so I would covet your prayers that God would speak clearly to me so that I will be where He wants me to be.
My love always,
Breaking my heart for what breaks His,
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