Hello from the states! We are all back safe and sound. This post will probably not be very long, but greater things are yet to come! I will be getting on here and putting up more stories, pictures and even some video (if I can figure it out!).
I want to thank all of you who supported me on this trip, whether that was through prayers, finances or simply following my incredible God journey on my blog. I hope to see everyone soon so that I may share with you the fantabulous things my God is doing in person!
Please continue to pray for our team. Adjusting back to life in the states is one of the hardest parts of missionary work I think. We are so blessed and so spoiled and so wasteful. I know that I am personally suffering from "my baby withdrawal". I miss all of my kids and I wish that I could just step out the back door of my house and run to them and hug them and love on them like I have the past 3 weeks. I know Cindy feels the same. We also all have to return to work which is a hard adjustment. I am heading over to PC for a meeting for school stuff and I'm feeling overwhelmed. I don't think I'm quite ready to process school information yet, but I have to do it. Pray my brain will be open to all of the new information.
~ We made it home safely and we even got to fly first class on the way from NY to Chicago. This is a story which I will share more about at a later time!! Look for it! God is good!
~ All of our bags made it back in one piece as well, with all of our African goodies. :)
~I have gone on a heart wrenching journey, but I have made an everlasting friend in my liefy Cindy Ellis. I am so blessed to have met this incredible young woman, whom I am sure was my twin separated from me at birth. We are so alike in so many ways that God's humor in it is just fantabulous!
~ Steve, one of the guys on the trip, gave his life to Christ on this trip. This was his third trip with his brother Tim, the leader of our pack, and he finally realized what was missing. It was so awesome to watch, knowing that Tim has been praying for this moment for 10 years. I can't wait to see what God is going to do with Steve. He is an incredible guy!
I hope to be on more this weekend with pics and stories. Continue to comment please! I don't think I can explain to you how very important that was to me. When I was able to get on the blog and read all of the encouraging things you all wrote I felt so much love from the states. I know that God used this blog to help me explain what I was seeing and experiencing to all of you, but He also used it as a tool to encourage me on my journey. What a blessing!! Thanks Daddy!!!
Team America: Me, Chris, Steve, Tim, Aaron and Cindy - On top of Paarl Mountain
It is an adjustment after three weeks and I agree we tend to be very spoiled with all we have here, for instance heat to keep warm! Your summer was filled with very little R & R so thinking of going back to the classroom already probably is mind boggling. I'll pray that you find time to get everything done for your classroom. Love you, mom