Hello all!!!
Thank you so much for the support you have given me! The prayers are appreciatated!
My heart is so HOT here! I am in love with every child I get to spend time with! It is COLD here though. My typical clothing is a t-shirt, a long sleeve shirt, a sweatshirt, a hoodie, and a jacket. I'm perpetually cold. Yet I'm sad that so many are without clothes and blankets and other warm things. God is showing us how truly blessed we are.
On Sunday we attended a church service of white South Africans. It was good, but I can't wait for township church. It will be incredible! We also drove down into Cape Town to experience the madness of the final game of the World Cup. We stood for 8 hours and watched the game on big screens in the street. It was loud with all the vuvuzuelas (horns) but it was fun. It did my back in, but God is good and I was able to work on Monday with no problems! PTL!

Cindy and I at the World Cup Final Game Celebration!!
On Monday this week Steve and I took a walk with nurses from ThembaCare doing home visits throughout Grabouw. Thankfully, it didn't rain while we were out and it wasn't so bad when the sun was shining. We met with some incredible families and we were able to pray with them in their homes. It was a little challenging since I speak no Afrikaans or Klosa, but it still was a blessing. I was able to hop into teacher mode for awhile and help a couple of the older children @ Village of Hope (VOH) to practice their letters, colors, numbers and shapes. It was so much fun!! They don't have much for supplies to do school things, but they have asked for my help for one of the children named Asi. He has special needs and is age 9 but accomplishing things for a 3 or 4 year old. He has a hard time communicating so I am brainstorming to see what I can come up with here. I wish I would have none before I came, but God is in control.
On Tuesday we made playdough with the kids @ the Village of Hope (VOH) where we are staying. They had fun, but I'm not for sure if it worked out so well!!

On Wednesday, we were had lots of rain and it was hard to do any projects outside, but we did some hospital runs with patients from ThembaCare (the adult HIV/AIDS clinic in Grabouw). We then did some repairs around the TC clinic. We had a church service there and it was amazing- these women know how to worship the God they serve!! :)
Today Cindy and I went to the school for special needs children. WHAT A BLESSING!!!! I loved every minute of being there and hearing the stories of some of the children and meeting the wonderful women who love on them and care for them. I was brainstorming of all sorts of ways that I could help them. Cindy and I didn't want to leave. :(
Here are some pictures of the kiddies at Village of Hope:

This is Asi. He is hilarious! We can't understand him, he communication is little, but he loves to clap along to "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"!!!

This is my little Shannon. When I am at the clinic she hardly leaves my side. She wants to be with me always and is a smart girl. She is trying hard to learn English words and loves to read with me, do "work"pages (letters and numbers) and do my hair!!!! :)

My little Abigail! She is Shannon's little sister. She doesn't smile much, but she loves to be held and to cuddle- so we cuddle A LOT!!!!!!!!!! :)
Here are some of the kiddies from the Agape School for Special Needs Children- Asiphe!!

Clayton! :)
all my love!! :)
Thanks for posting an update! I check your blog several times a day just waiting for you to post something new! It looks like you are doing amazing things and having an amazing time!! Jami Hartman
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful children! I can see why they steal your heart. It sounds like you are busy every minute helping and spreading God's love. Thinking of you! Candi
ReplyDeleteWow, Megan, I can see how fulfilling and spiritually rewarding this trip has been for you! It breaks my heart to read some of your stories...but I am so glad you are there helping the needy children and you are the PERFECT fit. Keep us updated and know that you are one remarkable woman for what you are doing to impact children's lives! Your team and your "babies" are in our prayers. Miss you! Nancy
ReplyDeleteHi Sweetie,
ReplyDeleteAwww the babies are adorable! I'm so glad you are able to put your teaching skills to use at the special needs school. I can just picture you loving on all of them! I'm sure the teachers there truly enjoy having you all there helping out and giving them new ideas. Glad you got to experience "Church" with the ladies! I know you had an awesome time worshipping along with them!! :) Glad you survived the frenzy of World Cup in Cape Town! Love you and miss you. Can't wait to see you & your pics! Mom
Megan, all the pictures made me smile of the kids and so happy they have people there to love on them. Asi put a smile on my face. The first thing that came to my head to try communicating with him is on a piece of paper put YES and the other one NO. Hand over hand with your hand and his...try simple commands and point to the yes for something yes and no for something no. Just came to me and thought I would share:)Praying for you and the kiddos daily!
ReplyDeleteHello Megan - The pictures were wonderful to see and it makes it very easy to see why your heart is so overwhelmed with love for each of them. It is exciting to hear all that you are doing and knowing that it is all in God's plan. You remain in my thoughts and prayers. I will look forward to your next posting. Teresa
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to see the pics. I should have sent you the best ever playdough recipe. For some reason that scene reminds me of some class time spent with food coloring and a measuring cup. May I ask a 'bonus question"? :)
ReplyDeleteI loved the pictures. Beautiful kids! When I saw the playdough picture I wondered if they thought it was something they could eat! :) Can't wait to hear about all your adventures. Love you girl! Aunt Niece
Yes you may ask a bonus question, but only if you can speak Afrikaans!! ;)